Je vais pouvoir vous accrocher sur mon mur et là, je me sentirais chez moi :), fini le cadre avec des inconnus *ui certains cadres-photos sont vendus avec de pauvres paysages, moi j'ai eu droit à des mannequins :)* souriant bêtement et sans âmes...vous êtes là et ça fait plaisir...
I miss you...
I'm going to be able to hang on you on my wall and there, I would feel at home :), finished the frame with strangers *ui some photos frames are sold with poor landscapes, me I was entitled to models :)* smiling silly and without souls you are there and that pleases...
I miss you...
I miss you...
Enjoy !!!
Finally, received!!! Ordered like 1 well good week, I finally received my printings photos!!I'm going to be able to hang on you on my wall and there, I would feel at home :), finished the frame with strangers *ui some photos frames are sold with poor landscapes, me I was entitled to models :)* smiling silly and without souls you are there and that pleases...
I miss you...
Enjoy !!!